Fissure, Oil on Canvas, 137 x 101

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 The step by step creation of the oil painting "Fissure" commencing in July 2017 to completion in March 2018 with long periods of non production in between.

Regular Windsor and Newton oil paints used in conjunction with the oil medium Liquin Original. Main brushes used #3, 4, 5 and 6 synthetic watercolour brushes.

 To follow the painting progress, scroll down and start from the bottom.


Finishing touches and in particular the subtle layering of more reflection from the middle to foreground.



Complete the layering of the reflections and seabed detail a process which took about 6 weeks in total.



Spend several weeks commencing with layering the water surface and seabed detail from the top down. Here completed to about two thirds down the painting



Complete the rocks with added and lighter highlights.



Complete the sea and reef with highlights reflecting the sky beyond the fissure. Continue detailing the rocks with highlights giving them more form.



Start detailing the sea and reef through the fissure forward to the rocks. Start detailing the rocks by defining the shadows.



Darkened the rock and water elements with glazes of different colours (mainly indigo)  thinned down with Liquin Light Gel to bring the whole painting to a slightly darker tone value than what the finished painting will be.



Completed blocking in the water while completing the sky (through the fissure)



Roughly sketched in main elements after which proceeded to block in far distance (though fissure), the rock formations and started on the water middle distance