Print Information

Print Information

High quality reproductions on paper and/or canvas. These Giclee prints are produced using archival inks on high quality fine art paper or canvas. They are quality controlled by Mark Cross and are “Open Editions” meaning they are not numbered*

The prints are unframed, the smaller being shipped flat and the larger ones rolled in a tube. Please note, for now due to the cost of shipping and problems with tracking, the small prints on fine art paper are only available in New Zealand and Niue. See framing canvas framing suggestions below. Sizes are in centimetres and prices are in New Zealand dollars and include packaging and shipping. Exchange rates here.

  • Click on the thumbnail to view full image
  • Click on the drop-down menu to view size and media options

Please read our Sale and Purchase Policy

* The limited edition issue is vexed when it comes to giclees which are ostensibly high quality inkjet prints. The nature of the creation of lithographs, screen-prints etc demands that the means for printing in these mediums (images on stone, silk-screen etc) is destroyed in the process of creating them thus limiting the image production. The giclee is on the other hand a digitalised image and would never be destroyed so any limitation is based on the whim and honesty of the producer. We are of the opinion that it is unethical to number giclee prints because of this which also means our prints are unlimited. They are high quality prints using archival fine art paper and inks but they can only be reproductions albeit of high quality and signed by the artist.